Group Members

Principal Investigator

Prof. Rajeev N. Kini

Professor, School of Physics

Mail *: rajeevkini

More Information: Click here

 Post doctoral fellow

Nitesh Kumar Pathak

Academic research fellow (postdoc)

PhD: IIT(ISM) Dhanbad 

Mail :

Research interest : Ultrafast science

 PhD Students

Sreerag S J (Joined: November 2018)

Senior Research Fellow (DST Inspire Fellowship)

MSc (Physics) : University of Kerala

Mail *: sreeragam98918

Research interest : Terahertz phonons

Malathi N (Joined: October 2019)

Senior Research Fellow

MSc (Physics) : Mysore University

Mail *: malathi19

Research interest : Strongly correlated systems

Navya Biju (Joined: November 2020)

Junior Research Fellow (UGC Fellowship)

MSc (Physics) : Sacred Heart College, Kochi

Mail* : navyabiju20

Research interest : van der Waals heterostructure and twistronics

Chandan Prasad Kushwaha (Joined: October 2021)

Senior Research Fellow

BSMS (Physics) : IISER Bhopal

Mail *: chandanpd21

Research interests : Ultrafast processes in two-dimensional material and twisted hetero-structures

Sujit Kumar (Joined: January 2025)

Junior Research Fellow

MSc (Physics) : Central University of Jharkhand

Mail *: sujit25

Research interests : Ultrafast processes in two-dimensional material 


Anirudh M

BSMS student

Mail *: anirudhm20

Research interests : Optical processes in 2D materials and hetero-structures

Priya Tiwari

MSc student

Mail *: priyatiwari23

Research interests : Phonon Dynamics

Ajinkya Omprakash Uike

I2 Physical Sciences

Mail *: ajinkya20

Research interests : Phonon engineering in superlattices to enhance material properties 


Dilana S

Chemistry Major

Mail *: dilanasaleem21

Research interests : Optical processes in 2D materials 



Prof Priya Mahadevan, S.N.Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences 

Prof M M Shaijumon, IISER TVM

Prof Surjeet Singh, IISER PUNE

Prof Tony Kent, Univ. of Nottingham, UK

Prof Gavin Conibeer, Dr Santhosh Shrestha, and Prof Stephen P. Bremner, UNSW, Australia

Prof J. P. R. David and Dr RD Richards, University of Sheffield, UK.


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